XRT at BL3 ( replay attached), G25, H-shifter, manual clutch
If you stall the car, by just letting the clutch too fast, it will shift easily through gears.
However, if you switch off the ignition, to get the 1st gear engaged, you need to either press the throttle a bit (that is whats weird) or use CL. It will go from 1st to second fine after, but to get further to 3rd, you'll have to repeat the above.
You just need some time to practice with G25 and you'll become as fast as used to be.
After a few months with 720* lock, H-shifter (CL obiously ) I'm justa tenth slower than I used to be with 200* lock wheel and paddle shifting (CL too though)
I'm afraid the real problem in your case is the low lock the wheel has. FFB can't operate fast and accurate with low lock steering lock of the wheel and inaccuracy of steering sensors (Pots used afaik). For example it sends the wheel to the left, but a little to much, so it gives the comand for opposite motion, yet again too much, and so the wobble is started, same happend in the straight line. G25 has optical sensor and higher lock allows for more accurate FFB work, so this problem is way less noticable with it.
No need to remove it, but an overhaul definetly required. It warns me for words like "idiot" but completly ignores some words that are very offensive, thats a bit unlogical IMO
well, I can change through gears when the car is staying steadily without moving (maybe you were rolling very slowly?). Allthough sometimes it will go from 1-2-3, but won't engage 4th, if I press the gas pedal slightly, it engages. A bit weird
When you slow down a lot on the track (to recover or avoid collision with a spun driver) you're causing a yellow flag, I suppose thats the reason for your flags
I doubt we'll get a new type of transmition for it, even though if we do, the tiny time advantage of faster shifts(about the same as Flatshifting as we can now) will not cancel out 150kg of extra weight, neither will make it 5 sec faster on the track
Scawen explained it already, that its too much of a load on a graphics engine, if you're a super prgrammer that can prove him his own engine can, go on
Mapping this button to a switch attached to the shifter should work perfectly Allthough, I don't really know how anyone will put a button on top of the shifter
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